\paperw3360 \margr0\margl0\ATXph16380 \plain \fs20 \f1 \fs22 Located to the north of the city centre, the 8 square kilometres of Hampstead Heath allow Londoners to feel that they
are in the countryside. Uncluttered by the haphazard buildings and statues that embellish the central London parks, the Heath is actually the product of a number of different estates and grounds. It thus embraces a variety of landscapes, from woods,
meadows and hills to ponds and lakes, some of which are suitable for bathing and fishing. The ample open spaces are also particularly well suited to kite-flying. On the three holiday weekends of Easter, late spring and late summer, the southern part of
the Heath is taken over by a popular funfair. Bordering the western side of Hampstead Heath is a charming garden featuring a pergola walkway best seen in summer, when many of the plants are in bloom. Known as The Hill, it was created by the Edwardian
soap manufacturer and patron of the arts, Lord Leverhulme, and was originally the grounds of his house; it is now a hospital.\par